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Dhaka Reporters Unity at a Glance


Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU) founded in 1995, is the only professional body of all working reporters based in Bangladesh capital Dhaka, representing all newspaper, electronic media and news organizations. Nearly 2000 professionals engaged in reporting are our members.

DRU is an independent and non-affiliated professional body, which is dedicated towards increasing the professional expertise and skills of newsman. DRU also actively monitors the freedom of reporters.

One of the major aims of the Dhaka Reporters Unity is to provide a platform to work together under one umbrella for the improvement of the standard journalism in our country and try to adhere to fair professional practices. Our intention is also to inculcate among members the need to maintain high ethical standards and strive to report accurately for enhancing the credibility of a free press, which is the voice of the people and the nation.

As part of its efforts to develop and focus on professional expertise, DRU occasionally organizes discourses, training programmes, workshops. As the organizations enters its 28th year, it intends to take some more specific and custom-made projects to enhance the professional expertise of the members.

The executive committee of DRU has arranged and provided insurance coverage to it's member's from its own fund. A member is getting insurance converge up to Tk.3,00,000 in case of natural death and Tk4,00,000 on accidental death and Tk.80,000 for treatment of acute sickness. Besides, DRU also awarding of Tk. 36,000 as annual stipend for one children of a deceased member for study up to masters level. The reporter's organization is hosting receptions to the member's children, who passed HSC, SSC, JSC and PEC successfully.

DRU has a regular program, titled ‘Meet the Reporters’ where diplomats, leaders of the ruling party, the opposition and people from various strata of the society face the reporters to respond to questions on various aspects touching our national life.

DRU also launched the first professional newsletter, ‘Reporters Voice’, to highlight activities in Bangladesh journalism and act as a springboard for debate and dissemination of activities related to the profession.

DRU offers several awards each year for excellence in reporting in various fields of reporting. Best report winner getting finance support, certificate and crest.   

The organization also holds sports events, cultural activities, grand picnic, family day and get-togethers for the recreation of its members.

DRU maintains an office in the city (8/4-A, Segunbagicha, Dhaka. Tel: +88-02-223381040, +88-02-223358588) which, besides acting as a Secretariat, provides space for holding press conferences and discussion meetings. It also houses a media centre, library and canteen.

DRU has a website ( which contains information about DRU activities and highlights and headlines of day-to-day important news in addition to ads of various companies.

It regularly publishes souvenirs and brochures on various occasions.

DRU, which has a 21-member executive committee, is the first organization in Bangladesh that introduced fully computerized voting system and conducted its elections successfully in the past fifteen terms.